- Edit the file playlist.xml with the name of the song and the author: Download the file playlist Open with notepad and edited to make it with your titles and authors. - Enter the files in the game: Copy and paste the file playlist.xml within: FileLoader/pes14_snd/common/playlist. (If you don't have the playlist folder create yourself). - Very important !! Edit pes2014.ini and add SongLoader.dll to [plugin] [plugin] dll = Lodmixer.dll dll = Speeder.dll dll = KitLoader.dll dll = SongLoader.dll Requirements : PES FileLoader Download PES 2014 Music Converter by Ginda01
Gan cara install nya gimana ? , dt06.img itu dimana ?, saya masih bingung cara nginstall nya. Mohon penjelasannya gan .
BalasHapuscopy aja di kitserver-->pesedit-->img-->dt06.img