- Edit the file playlist.xml with the name of the song and the author: Download the file playlist Open with notepad and edited to make it with your titles and authors. - Enter the files in the game: Copy and paste the file playlist.xml within: FileLoader/pes14_snd/common/playlist. (If you don't have the playlist folder create yourself). - Very important !! Edit pes2014.ini and add SongLoader.dll to [plugin] [plugin] dll = Lodmixer.dll dll = Speeder.dll dll = KitLoader.dll dll = SongLoader.dll Requirements : PES FileLoader Download PES 2014 Music Converter by Ginda01
kalo di patch 3.4 bisa gak ya?
BalasHapusga bisa
Hapuspatch 3.7 aja bisa ga?
BalasHapusga tau gan, mending download ynag 3.7.1 juga
Hapuspahe nya 3.7.1 gag ada ya......???
BalasHapusMantab gan... thank dah share
BalasHapusgk work gan.... ttep sama, gk ada yg berubah
BalasHapusudah pake v 3.7.1 ??
Hapusgan klo mau update timnas indonesia yg baru harus pakai yg PESEdit 3.7.1 juga ya?
BalasHapusPESedit 3.8 bisa gan?
BalasHapusgak bisa, kan yang untuk 3.8 ada...