- Edit the file playlist.xml with the name of the song and the author: Download the file playlist Open with notepad and edited to make it with your titles and authors. - Enter the files in the game: Copy and paste the file playlist.xml within: FileLoader/pes14_snd/common/playlist. (If you don't have the playlist folder create yourself). - Very important !! Edit pes2014.ini and add SongLoader.dll to [plugin] [plugin] dll = Lodmixer.dll dll = Speeder.dll dll = KitLoader.dll dll = SongLoader.dll Requirements : PES FileLoader Download PES 2014 Music Converter by Ginda01
ginda kan saya mau relink face ML, terus saya udh decrypt dan encrypyt, setelah itu kan di tutorialnya kan ada file yg di copy ke dt0c, nah itu file apa ya?
BalasHapusitu file face nya
HapusInfonya bagus, keren, dan menarik sob. Kunjungi balik ke blog saya www.ankurniawan.blogspot.com
BalasHapusagan tutorialnnya uda ane ikutin tapi gak bisa ya di pes smoke patch? pa kira kira salahnya ya gan?
BalasHapuscoba di ulangi gan
Hapusgak work gan, managernya malah botak. ane udah ngikutin semua caranya tapi tetep gak bisa. Ane pake patch pesjp.
BalasHapuskok jadi botak ya???
BalasHapuscob ulangi relink nya, dan pastikan face & hairnya unnamed nya benar.
Hapusbos.. knapa file hair dan facenya gak ada di picture.. ane pake win xp mohon bantuannya
BalasHapuskenapa face relink bal ml gua error mhon pencerahannya gan